
Thursday, 26 September 2013

Weight problems! How to read the scales?

I'm so annoyed this morning. So so annoyed.

An integral part of the Dukan for me is the reward of seeing the numbers on the scales go down. I've done enough research (as well as observed my own experiences) to know that the numbers on the scale can fluctuate dramatically.

BUT when you use the same set of scales, in the same time frame (maybe 5 minutes) and find that you weigh between 136.4lbs and 138.8lbs respectively depending on what part of the bathroom floor the scales are on has concerned and angered me.
I weighed 136.4, 137.4, 138, 138.2 and 138.8!!!

I decided after about the second go that whichever number reappeared would be the number. But it didn't reappear. It changed. Every section of the floor I used was, in my humble opinion, flat.

And now its made me question my loss in the last few days!!!! Not impressed

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Day 3 & 4? :-S

137.4- the weight that I began the Dukan on in April 2013.

Let me never see these numbers in this order again.

This was yesterday mornings weigh-in after my 2nd attack in 3 days. I was happy.

I ate "porridge" for breakfast- oatbran, sweetener and milk- it comes out like 2 spoonfuls.
Then had the usual crabstick feast
For lunch I had smoked salmon and scrambled eggs- oooh la la!!!

Then I sort of ate a KitKat Chunky.

Then I had the works do. I'm not going to say what I ate there (and drunk) because I figure that although I am simply documenting this for myself- it turns out that people do actually look at this and if you have googled "attack" and end up with a blog about how much wine someone drunk then you're going to be annoyed.

Anyway- I woke up 15 minutes before I was due to begin work this morning- A LOT of wine you see!
But still jumped on the scales. I weighed 1lb less exactly but figured the 2 hours extra in bed could have played a major part and didn't have time to photo it so it doesn't count.

Today I ate a donut, baked courgette with cheese and ratatouille, slice of carrot cake, flapjack, and 3 quarter sandwiches- tuna, salmon and prawn. (There were birthdays at work and left over sandwiches from an away day). I don't know what to have for dinner as my tongue is like a thick fur carpet atm, but I think I may have to do one final attack tomorrow to try and get back into ketosis.

I don't sound as though I mean business do I?

Monday, 23 September 2013

Day 2 of attack?

Hello, hello.

I am quite pleased to say that I've just thoroughly enjoyed a couple of slices of smoken salmon for lunch. I don't know if the same can be said for the office who have to endure the smell.
Usually when I eat smoked salmon on Dukan it feels a bit forced and makes me feel ill. I think I've kept my fluids up well today which is probably why it hasn't made me nauseas. Don't get me wrong- I love the stuff but mainly rolled up with philly and chives. Don't have the resources today!

So yesterday was bad bad bad.

But this morning the scales gave me a beautiful present.

1.4lbs LESS than day 1. Despite my massive hiccup. More like belch really.

So today is Day 2 of my attack- I'm not starting again.
When I'm "dieting" I use a wonderful forum website called minimins and a stranger told me that if I fall off the wagon to jump back on immediately- rather than binge all day and start again tomorrow.
She told me that I am supposed to be doing this to make me happy. I think she's right. What is the point of punishing constantly? Squeezing into clothes and feeling like a pregnant porpoise is punishment enough as it is, right?

So positivity is creeping in today.

2 scrambled eggs with skimmed milk, sweetener, and vanilla extract. Absolutely delicious. Not a chore to hoover up these eggs in the morning. I've been getting sick of eating dried out husks of "scramble" so I am now quite generous with the milk and the things go frothy and delicious.

Snack:- 2 slices of quorn ham. YUM. Do have to sneak them again as its not office etiquette to eat ham out the packet.

Lunch:- Smoked salmon (maybe around 50g) and 6 crabsticks. Ok- so I'm noticing that Dukan smells are quite anti-social aren't they?

Dinner:- who knows- I will update later...

Ok. So afternoon snack was:- cottage cheese with pepper and basil and a couple of slices of quorn ham

Dinner:- mixed seafood (mussels, prawns, squid and scallops) with thai green paste and a splash of skimmed milk. Yummy!

Evening snack:- oatbran biscuit with oregano in it and 1 pickled onion.

Fluids:- 2 large cups of tea, 4 pints of water, bottle of diet pepsi, glass of pepsi max

I hope I've done well today. I feel like I may be in ketosis (my breath tastes sooo bad)
If I don't lose anything in the morning I will smash the scales in.

Also- tomorrow I have this work function in the evening. 3 course meal and unlimited free wine. Soooo  I am going to walk to work (40 mins) and count it as a "celebration meal". The show must go on.

I am so sorry to be such a let down to everyone this time but hopefully now that I have started to go through the motions I will soon get the motivation and commitment necessary to continue with an eating regime such as this. Lets just say I'm easing myself in gently?!
No sickness, headaches or starvation today.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Day 1 of attack- how did it go?

I started my first day of the Dukan Attack with a shocking weigh in.

This is 2lbs HEAVIER than when I started the Dukan in April 2012.
I was determined. 21st September 2013 and exactly 4 months until I turn 25 years old!

I ate:-

2 fried eggs
6 crabsticks
cottage cheese
6 crabsticks
oat bran biscuit

I had the headache from hell. Felt dizzy and hungry until the mussels- I realise I didn't eat enough in the day. Or drink enough for that matter but I did do a shop and stocked up on quark, oatbran, yoghurt, fish, quorn. Etc.

The reason I'm not talking in much detail was because I barely lost a thing when I weighed this morn.

I lost 0.6lb. Last time I lost 1.8lbs!!!!

So yes. Annoyed.

Started the day with determination (day 2).
Scrambled eggs.
Got to work- its SUNDAY!!! and things went downhill
2 chunky choc cookies
cheese and pickle sandwich
ready salted crisps
green apple

I just ordered Domino's.

I will start day 1 again tomorrow :-/

Friday, 20 September 2013

Can Kimberley still Dukan?

Oh...Diets diets diets.
I'm back.

A lot has happened since June 2012 when I disappeared.

Long story short. I'm fat. Again. More than I ever have been (why every time I get fat is it more than last time?!)
I've been trying to be quite protein-y for the last 2 weeks, which means I have eggs and crabsticks in the fridge so I am going to start a 4 day attack tomorrow.
I need oatbran and to read my blog as its been a long time. All I know is that Dukan worked for me last time.

I started Weight Watchers in January 13 in the hope that I would lose about 7lbs for a very important wedding where I was bridesmaid in August. That didn't last long, and after months of binging I ended up being BIGGER than I was at the beginning of the New Year and my dress had to be taken out- sad times!

The fat one on the left

I turn 25 in January- and I DO NOT want to spend the rest of my life like this. goes...