
Friday, 22 June 2012

9th Official weigh in


Almost back to Tuesdays weight. Not sure what happened this week. Apart from football, pizza, crisps and jaegerbombs.

I go to Malta in 5 days to see family that I've not seen in 6 years. Including my highly critical father.
Lets see if I can get to 121lb by then...

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Week 9- gaining weight

So things are not looking good.
It looks like the following:-

Tues 19th :-

Weds 20th (after England match the night before) :-


Not ideal is it. Hmm... think I'm going to need to get strict.
I'm supposed to be losing not gaining.

Monday, 18 June 2012


Toying with the idea of having a little mix around with my PP and PV days so that it fits into my lifestyle a little more.

Yesterday (Sunday 17th June) was Fathers Day in the UK.
I was due a PP day but found out I was going out to eat with my grandad and my family so thought I'd change it to a PV day as its always difficult eating PP at a restaurant- particularly as I don't eat meat.
As it happens the menu was diabolical. They didn't even have a salad!
I chose vegetable curry.

I left the rice but ate the naan and the poppadom and mango chutney.
And then shared a MASSIVE sundae with chocolate brownie, ice cream, squirty cream, chocolate sauce. The lot.
Then I felt really ill.
Then I had a fish burger from McDonalds.
My god.


So today is PP and then tomorrow will be PP and then I'm back into the cycle.

Now- apart from the going nuts and pigging out "it is fathers day afterall" - (theres always an excuse.)
I think that perhaps this could be the way forward. Its sooo much easier to do PP at work and then at the weekends I can do PV.
Might give this a go for a little while. Not strictly- but if I know theres an event, function, or I just feel like it I'm going to swap my days. Making sure that in a month I'm having at least 15 PP days which is what I would have if it was every other day like its supposed to be.

Now- I need to stay on track.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Not amused- GAIN after PV

Its me again.

Today is official weigh in day.

I'm 124.6lbs.
Not amused.

I was 123.8lb on Weds and on Thurs and today I've somehow managed to put on a pound. Nice.


Its a 0.4lb loss compared to my 125lb of last Friday
A loss is a loss
I cheated in Belgium and STILL lost



I've decided to make an executive decision and move my 'official weigh-in' to tomorrow.
I knew that after a PV day there's always going to be issues. So I will have to alternate my official weigh in between Fridays & Saturdays so to obtain the most satisfactory results.
Although this seems like I'm massaging the numbers a little I'm doing this for good reasons.

Now that my weigh in is tomorrow:-

I shall be on my BEST behaviour today
I will drink lots of water
I won't get the negative attitude and think "I may aswell eat pizza and cake as I'm not losing weight anyway"
And so on and so forth.

So tune in tomorrow and lets hope for a more chirpy and sane Kimberley.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Sneaky secret

I weigh 123.8lbs on the scale this morning. I know I'm not supposed to weigh- but I did. This means I've lost a stone. Hopefully I can confirm this on Friday- official weigh day. Fingers crossed y'all..

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Back on track

So after my little trip to Belgium and away from Dukan and yesterdays shocking weigh in I did an intense day of PP yesterday.

Yesterdays Food Diary:-

Sweet Omelette- 2 eggs with mixed spices and a tiny bit of philly (extra light- obvs)
Fat free cherry yoghurt
Tin of wild pink salmon
2 slices of Quorn ham
1 light Babybel
King prawns cooked with garlic, onion, paprika and cajun spices. Dollop of chive philly.
2 oatbran biscuits- 1 ginger and 1 cinnamon (MUST post the recipe!)

4 cups of tea
2 diet pepsi's
1.5 litres of water

And todays weigh in is as follows....
*drum roll*
So- I'm back on track!!! HURRAH!!!
(The scale did say 124.6lb earlier and I didn't take a photo dammit- but beggars can't be choosers and I'll settle for 125lb.)

Plan of action is as follows:-

Do PV today, PP tomorrow, PV Thurs and weigh-in on Friday.
Its going to be REALLY HARD not to peek at the scales in between- and I'm certainly not making any promises. Also- I must bear in mind that weigh in after a PV (which is what mine will be on Friday) is a little different to after a PP. But I need to get back on track and I think this is the way to do it.

Wish me luck

Monday, 11 June 2012

Day 43

I need to post this up here, otherwise there's no point to me creating a blog in the first place.
So I weighed 127.2 this morning. That means I put on 2.2lbs in 3 days. Shocking stuff- particularly as I didn't pig out as much as I could have. But I did pig out- so I guess thats what happens.

Its a PP day today and I'm actually not feeling too dismayed about this mornings weigh in. I'm just ready to continue.
I'm currently munching on a sweet omlette for breakfast and have a tin of luxury wild pink salmon ready for lunch.
Come on Dukan- bring it!!!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Cheating in Belgium

I cheated.

Well, I didn't as I knew I was going to, so somehow that doesn't count.

My holiday obviously definitely wasn't a cheat as it was planned before Dukan.
Jubilee weekend (FOUR DAY weekend!) was a bit cheat-esque but didn't count because I'm only ever going to see one Diamond Jubilee, right?
And this weekend was my friends birthday. A trip to Bruges. With Belgian waffles and yummy things!! So that well, ok- maybe this time it does count. Or the actual day shouldn't count....

So really my only cheat day should have been Saturday, but it naturally started Friday night and extended to lunchtime today (Sunday)- so thats not so good.
I know I'm only stalling myself and ya di ya di ya. But I also realise that a diet cannot be my entire life and being- its a few steps to achieving the future healthier and happier me, but has to pause and let life get in the way on the way. Occasionally. Of course.

So.... it all began on Friday after work when I bought a MASSIVE pizza. I cut myself 2 slices and gave a slice to a friend. I then drank a little (vodka and diet coke- so doesn't cheat the diet really), I then had another slice.
After the night out however I came home and finished the WHOLE thing - minus another slice that mysteriously went missing. (mother!!!)

So thats cheat no. 1.

Then yesterday morning I woke up and ate my oatbran- fine.
The roadtrip to Bruges began where I enjoyed a double choc chip cookie from Tesco bakery- one of those large fresh ones. A homemade cheese straw was then appreciated greatly (how could I refuse a friend who had been busy baking?!) Also- some crisps, 2 Bulmers' on the ferry (I was scared), 3 biscuits.

Dinner was fine again- well- I had a hugee pot of mussels which were great. Loads of garlic on though. And I mean- literally just garlic. Perhaps 5 bulbs worth. Was strong. Very strong. No sauce, no liquid of any description, just diced garlic. Yum. A handful of chips if that. And sprites. 3 Sprites- the thing is they weren't Sprite zero, so each contained sugar, therefore carbs and calories. Meh.

This morning I had a BELGIAN WAFFLE WITH CREAM for breakfast- and there is not an ounce of my being that regrets that. It was delicious and I ate it in a really picturesque location, beside a canal, it was a delight (minus the green bird poo I got on my hand- yuk).
That was the best waffle EVER.
I also had one praline chocolate from one of their little chocolate shops and oh my- it was delicious!!!

I finished the crisps in the car- had 2 chewy lace type sweets and one crunchie rock- which felt spicey.

I think I have confessed everything.
Oh- I had a full fat 7up on the boat.

When I was hungry on the boat I chose the prawn and egg salad- so I was back to Dukan definitely.

So I have eaten a lot. A lot of things that I ought not. However- I could have eaten more- shocking I know- but I really could have. I could have drunk cider last night instead of sprite. I could have eaten my share of chips at the restaurant, bought myself my own batch of Belgian choccies, had ice-cream for pudding last night (oh yea- I tried some mousse and lemon sorbet; more than tried, but didn't start or finish it.), you know- I could have really gone for it. So although I did enjoy my food and have some treats I am happy to revert back to Dukan once more, if he'll have me.

I shall drink my own body weight in water this evening and post my weigh in tomorrow.
I was 125lbs on Friday; wish me luck.

Thursday, 7 June 2012



Not really. Well yes, but not in a negative or unhappy way just in a meh I can't really be bothered way.
But I KNOW I MUST continue. Regardless of whether the old brain fluid is flowing in the right direction or not.

Anyone else ever feel like this??

Its been around 6 and a half weeks now (minus the holiday and a few days of Jubilee celebrations) and I'm cruising...
I've lost 12.8lbs and only have around 5-6lbs to go.
I'm one of those people who NEVER sees things through to the end. I was lucky to have actually obtained my degree and graduated last summer- I was ready to ditch it in the second year. And on those rare occasions I DO finish something its such an awesome elation.


The finish line is a bit fluid I feel. For example the whole situation I had with deciding on a TW. The fact that the weight fluctuates so dramatically- ie I was 124.6 a couple of days ago and today I'm 125.8 :-/ - when will I know that I've reached 119lb for good?!
I guess that now my BMI is "normal weight" the pressure is off. Now that I am able to squeeeeeeeeeze into my 10's (the stretchy ones) the pressures off.
 I don't want to "give up" but my current attitude tells me that stopping now wouldn't be giving up because I'm not technically "overweight" anymore. God I sound like an idiot.

Anway- would be good to hear the experiences of others...

On a more positive note I just had a wonderful dinner. This will (hopefully) set me straight for the evening...

Very simple and yummy- white onion, king prawns, smaller prawns, a dollop of garlic and herb *light* philly (30g a day tolerated) and some milk to make it saucey.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


As of my regular meet with the scales this morning I finally have a "normal weight" BMI (Body Mass Index) of  24.7

Although I realise there are many factors to consider with weight and whatnot I feel that as a rough guideline the BMI calculator does have its benefits and I am so happy that my number no longer sits in the 
"overweight" category. HA!

BMI Categories:
  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater 
You can calculate your BMI here