
Friday, 22 June 2012

9th Official weigh in


Almost back to Tuesdays weight. Not sure what happened this week. Apart from football, pizza, crisps and jaegerbombs.

I go to Malta in 5 days to see family that I've not seen in 6 years. Including my highly critical father.
Lets see if I can get to 121lb by then...

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Week 9- gaining weight

So things are not looking good.
It looks like the following:-

Tues 19th :-

Weds 20th (after England match the night before) :-


Not ideal is it. Hmm... think I'm going to need to get strict.
I'm supposed to be losing not gaining.

Monday, 18 June 2012


Toying with the idea of having a little mix around with my PP and PV days so that it fits into my lifestyle a little more.

Yesterday (Sunday 17th June) was Fathers Day in the UK.
I was due a PP day but found out I was going out to eat with my grandad and my family so thought I'd change it to a PV day as its always difficult eating PP at a restaurant- particularly as I don't eat meat.
As it happens the menu was diabolical. They didn't even have a salad!
I chose vegetable curry.

I left the rice but ate the naan and the poppadom and mango chutney.
And then shared a MASSIVE sundae with chocolate brownie, ice cream, squirty cream, chocolate sauce. The lot.
Then I felt really ill.
Then I had a fish burger from McDonalds.
My god.


So today is PP and then tomorrow will be PP and then I'm back into the cycle.

Now- apart from the going nuts and pigging out "it is fathers day afterall" - (theres always an excuse.)
I think that perhaps this could be the way forward. Its sooo much easier to do PP at work and then at the weekends I can do PV.
Might give this a go for a little while. Not strictly- but if I know theres an event, function, or I just feel like it I'm going to swap my days. Making sure that in a month I'm having at least 15 PP days which is what I would have if it was every other day like its supposed to be.

Now- I need to stay on track.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Not amused- GAIN after PV

Its me again.

Today is official weigh in day.

I'm 124.6lbs.
Not amused.

I was 123.8lb on Weds and on Thurs and today I've somehow managed to put on a pound. Nice.


Its a 0.4lb loss compared to my 125lb of last Friday
A loss is a loss
I cheated in Belgium and STILL lost



I've decided to make an executive decision and move my 'official weigh-in' to tomorrow.
I knew that after a PV day there's always going to be issues. So I will have to alternate my official weigh in between Fridays & Saturdays so to obtain the most satisfactory results.
Although this seems like I'm massaging the numbers a little I'm doing this for good reasons.

Now that my weigh in is tomorrow:-

I shall be on my BEST behaviour today
I will drink lots of water
I won't get the negative attitude and think "I may aswell eat pizza and cake as I'm not losing weight anyway"
And so on and so forth.

So tune in tomorrow and lets hope for a more chirpy and sane Kimberley.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Sneaky secret

I weigh 123.8lbs on the scale this morning. I know I'm not supposed to weigh- but I did. This means I've lost a stone. Hopefully I can confirm this on Friday- official weigh day. Fingers crossed y'all..

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Back on track

So after my little trip to Belgium and away from Dukan and yesterdays shocking weigh in I did an intense day of PP yesterday.

Yesterdays Food Diary:-

Sweet Omelette- 2 eggs with mixed spices and a tiny bit of philly (extra light- obvs)
Fat free cherry yoghurt
Tin of wild pink salmon
2 slices of Quorn ham
1 light Babybel
King prawns cooked with garlic, onion, paprika and cajun spices. Dollop of chive philly.
2 oatbran biscuits- 1 ginger and 1 cinnamon (MUST post the recipe!)

4 cups of tea
2 diet pepsi's
1.5 litres of water

And todays weigh in is as follows....
*drum roll*
So- I'm back on track!!! HURRAH!!!
(The scale did say 124.6lb earlier and I didn't take a photo dammit- but beggars can't be choosers and I'll settle for 125lb.)

Plan of action is as follows:-

Do PV today, PP tomorrow, PV Thurs and weigh-in on Friday.
Its going to be REALLY HARD not to peek at the scales in between- and I'm certainly not making any promises. Also- I must bear in mind that weigh in after a PV (which is what mine will be on Friday) is a little different to after a PP. But I need to get back on track and I think this is the way to do it.

Wish me luck

Monday, 11 June 2012

Day 43

I need to post this up here, otherwise there's no point to me creating a blog in the first place.
So I weighed 127.2 this morning. That means I put on 2.2lbs in 3 days. Shocking stuff- particularly as I didn't pig out as much as I could have. But I did pig out- so I guess thats what happens.

Its a PP day today and I'm actually not feeling too dismayed about this mornings weigh in. I'm just ready to continue.
I'm currently munching on a sweet omlette for breakfast and have a tin of luxury wild pink salmon ready for lunch.
Come on Dukan- bring it!!!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Cheating in Belgium

I cheated.

Well, I didn't as I knew I was going to, so somehow that doesn't count.

My holiday obviously definitely wasn't a cheat as it was planned before Dukan.
Jubilee weekend (FOUR DAY weekend!) was a bit cheat-esque but didn't count because I'm only ever going to see one Diamond Jubilee, right?
And this weekend was my friends birthday. A trip to Bruges. With Belgian waffles and yummy things!! So that well, ok- maybe this time it does count. Or the actual day shouldn't count....

So really my only cheat day should have been Saturday, but it naturally started Friday night and extended to lunchtime today (Sunday)- so thats not so good.
I know I'm only stalling myself and ya di ya di ya. But I also realise that a diet cannot be my entire life and being- its a few steps to achieving the future healthier and happier me, but has to pause and let life get in the way on the way. Occasionally. Of course.

So.... it all began on Friday after work when I bought a MASSIVE pizza. I cut myself 2 slices and gave a slice to a friend. I then drank a little (vodka and diet coke- so doesn't cheat the diet really), I then had another slice.
After the night out however I came home and finished the WHOLE thing - minus another slice that mysteriously went missing. (mother!!!)

So thats cheat no. 1.

Then yesterday morning I woke up and ate my oatbran- fine.
The roadtrip to Bruges began where I enjoyed a double choc chip cookie from Tesco bakery- one of those large fresh ones. A homemade cheese straw was then appreciated greatly (how could I refuse a friend who had been busy baking?!) Also- some crisps, 2 Bulmers' on the ferry (I was scared), 3 biscuits.

Dinner was fine again- well- I had a hugee pot of mussels which were great. Loads of garlic on though. And I mean- literally just garlic. Perhaps 5 bulbs worth. Was strong. Very strong. No sauce, no liquid of any description, just diced garlic. Yum. A handful of chips if that. And sprites. 3 Sprites- the thing is they weren't Sprite zero, so each contained sugar, therefore carbs and calories. Meh.

This morning I had a BELGIAN WAFFLE WITH CREAM for breakfast- and there is not an ounce of my being that regrets that. It was delicious and I ate it in a really picturesque location, beside a canal, it was a delight (minus the green bird poo I got on my hand- yuk).
That was the best waffle EVER.
I also had one praline chocolate from one of their little chocolate shops and oh my- it was delicious!!!

I finished the crisps in the car- had 2 chewy lace type sweets and one crunchie rock- which felt spicey.

I think I have confessed everything.
Oh- I had a full fat 7up on the boat.

When I was hungry on the boat I chose the prawn and egg salad- so I was back to Dukan definitely.

So I have eaten a lot. A lot of things that I ought not. However- I could have eaten more- shocking I know- but I really could have. I could have drunk cider last night instead of sprite. I could have eaten my share of chips at the restaurant, bought myself my own batch of Belgian choccies, had ice-cream for pudding last night (oh yea- I tried some mousse and lemon sorbet; more than tried, but didn't start or finish it.), you know- I could have really gone for it. So although I did enjoy my food and have some treats I am happy to revert back to Dukan once more, if he'll have me.

I shall drink my own body weight in water this evening and post my weigh in tomorrow.
I was 125lbs on Friday; wish me luck.

Thursday, 7 June 2012



Not really. Well yes, but not in a negative or unhappy way just in a meh I can't really be bothered way.
But I KNOW I MUST continue. Regardless of whether the old brain fluid is flowing in the right direction or not.

Anyone else ever feel like this??

Its been around 6 and a half weeks now (minus the holiday and a few days of Jubilee celebrations) and I'm cruising...
I've lost 12.8lbs and only have around 5-6lbs to go.
I'm one of those people who NEVER sees things through to the end. I was lucky to have actually obtained my degree and graduated last summer- I was ready to ditch it in the second year. And on those rare occasions I DO finish something its such an awesome elation.


The finish line is a bit fluid I feel. For example the whole situation I had with deciding on a TW. The fact that the weight fluctuates so dramatically- ie I was 124.6 a couple of days ago and today I'm 125.8 :-/ - when will I know that I've reached 119lb for good?!
I guess that now my BMI is "normal weight" the pressure is off. Now that I am able to squeeeeeeeeeze into my 10's (the stretchy ones) the pressures off.
 I don't want to "give up" but my current attitude tells me that stopping now wouldn't be giving up because I'm not technically "overweight" anymore. God I sound like an idiot.

Anway- would be good to hear the experiences of others...

On a more positive note I just had a wonderful dinner. This will (hopefully) set me straight for the evening...

Very simple and yummy- white onion, king prawns, smaller prawns, a dollop of garlic and herb *light* philly (30g a day tolerated) and some milk to make it saucey.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


As of my regular meet with the scales this morning I finally have a "normal weight" BMI (Body Mass Index) of  24.7

Although I realise there are many factors to consider with weight and whatnot I feel that as a rough guideline the BMI calculator does have its benefits and I am so happy that my number no longer sits in the 
"overweight" category. HA!

BMI Categories:
  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater 
You can calculate your BMI here

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


So its exactly a week since I got back from holiday. A literal holiday in the sun and a sort of holiday from Dukan really.
I want cake, I want pizza and curry WITH rice and omg I want REAL FOOD!!!


Ok- I'm exaggerating. I know that it wouldn't even taste as good as I'm making out. Then there would be the guilt and the punishment. Ugh.

But when I become peckish- it would be great to grab a slice of toast. Or a banana?!!!!

Its ok. Things are going well.
Hopefully I'll have a nice smaller number on the scale tomorrow and this will improve things dramatically!!!

(I was 127lbs Sunday, 128lbs yesterday and 127.6lbs today. When I get to below my Sunday weight- we're back on the move!!! :-) )

On the plus...
I did have a lovely dinner. Rainbow trout with some cajun spices, onion, garlic and a splash of lemon. Yum.
Think I'm going to try and do something with a dollop of light philly and sweetener and hopefully will be satisfied! :-)

Hope all you other Dukans out there are doing goooood!!!!

Thursday, 24 May 2012


So... got back from holiday 22nd May 2012.
Weighed myself 23/5/12.

Day 1 of Attack II

Food Diary:-

Sweet omlette, pinapple activia, tin of tuna, 6 crabsticks, 1x 250ml can diet pepsi, cottage cheese, 3 quorn sausages, cottage cheese.

Day 2 of Attack II

1.6lbs LOSS

Food Diary:-
Oatbran porridge, mango activia, 2 quorn fillets, cottage cheese, CRABSTICKS, fried egg & 2 quorn sausages
(and a small piece of white chocolate chip cookie :-/ )

Day 3 of Attack II

0.6lb LOSS

Food Diary:-
Oatbran porridge, smoked salmon, cottage cheese, quorn fillet, vanilla yoghurt. I don't have my weight and food diaries for the last of the attack and this is because life got in the way a little. But I DID stick to it. (Minus that piece of cookie and 1 chew sweet) and this morning after my first PV day yesterday I weighed 127lbs.
I think thats pretty good seeing as I was 129lbs on Friday.

Wednesday 23rd May- 131.2lbs
Friday 25th May- 129lbs
Sunday 27th May- 127lbs

I've lost 4.2lbs in 5 days!!! :-)
Back to Cruise now and feeling good :-)

By the way:-
This attack phase was EASY compared to the first time round. Feeling really positive. No headaches, no sickness. Nada.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Confession o'clock

I'm baackkkk!!!

Ok- so not sure if I really made it clear that I went off on my hols for a week. One of the MAJOR reasons I started Dukanising my life was to lose some lb-age quickly for my hols.
My goal was to weigh 129lbs by my final weigh in on 14/5/12 and I actually weighed 128lbs which was FAB and a hugeee loss of 9.4lbs in 3 weeks.

So...I got back yesterday. While away I went through various combinations of not giving a damn about what I ate, eating consciously, and somewhere in between where I chose slices of cake over slices of bread instead of having both. (Sure there's some logic in there somewhere.) todays post-holiday weigh in reveals a GAIN of 3.2lbs

But I'm totally ok with this (would NOT have been ok with a +5lb for example)

So...the plan is now to embark on ATTACK II- whereby I do a 3-4 day attack to get down to my pre-holiday weight and to kick start my body a la Dukan.
I'm expecting headaches and difficulties but hopefully I'll find my way. (Soo tempted to write 'weigh' then- ha!)

2 Maxibons
2 Scoops of ice-cream
3 pain au chocolats
4 slices of cake
2 pastries
3 hot chocolates
MANY rolls and slices of toast
LOADS of fruit- watermelon, peaches, oranges, kiwis, pears, bananas, prunes
Paella (RICE)
Pasta (PASTA)
Chips (POTATO)
Cocktails (JUICE & Alcohol)
2 sharing bags of crisps (!!!)
4 small bottles of Strongbow (or 5?)
etc etc etc

Anyway- holiday over. Time for attack :-)

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Dukanize your life

Thought I'd share a few of the foods that I have stumbled across on my journey.

Things like Cottage Cheese "Ice-Cream" and Cauliflower "Mash" all help to vary the menu whilst following Dr. Dukan's strict rules and regulations.

One thing that was killing me was the lack of takeaway on a Friday night.

So I made Pizza!

I used a Dukan Galette- which contains the daily allowance of oatbran for the base.
Mix some herbs and chopped onion with tomato puree and a splash of water and spread as far to the edges of the base as possible. Then I grated onto it a light mini babybel (1 a day is tolerated on Cruise).
Pop under the grill until the cheese is melted- and hey presto we have pizza!

Obviously its not like the real thing. My favourites being the vegetarian supreme from Dominoes or the pesto and mozzarella Ristorante pizza by Dr. Oetker. But I'm not going to lose 7.8lbs in 17 days by stuffing my face with either of those am I!
This made a lovely little snack anyhoo- I even used a pizza slice to cut it and live out the fantasy- even though it is smaller than a side plate!!!

Next up for the weekend is...


This was a courgette and king prawn curry that I found in a Slimming World recipe book. 
I used:- 
1 red onion- diced
2 garlic cloves- peeled and crushed
1 tsp grated ginger- was really hard to get a teaspoons worth
1 tsp mild chili powder- think I used cayenne pepper instead
2 tsp mild curry powder- I used masala powder
200ml chicken stock with bovril- I used half a vegetable oxo cube
1 large courgette- I had half of a small one
1 tin of tomatoes

Other ingredients in the recipe which I didn't use:-
6 cherry tomatoes, halved
200ml passata
200g very low fat natural fromage frais
6 tbsp very fine coriander
2 tbsp chopped mint leaves

Method according to Slimming World:-
Place the onion in a medium sized non stick saucepan with the garlic, ginger, chilli powder, curry powder and stock. Bring to the boil over a medium heat, cover, reduce the heat to low and cook gently for 3-4 minutes.
Cut the courgette into thick matchsticks and add to the pan with the tomatoes and passata. Bring back to the boil and simmer gently for 10 minutes, stirring often to prevent sticking.
Stir in the prawns, fromage frais, chopped herbs, season with salt and remove from the heat.
Serve immediately with steamed green vegetables.

My way (or the highway):-
I bunged the prawns in at the beginning with the stock because they were frozen and I'm terribly paranoid about food poisoning. I made wayyy too much stock because I was guessing and as a result things were rather runny. So I ended up with a soupy brothy curry which still tasted lovely. I didn't add the fromage frais because I only had creme fraiche (not sure if they're the same) but have had a terrible experience with it splitting and curdling which isn't what you want when you're dying for indian takeaway and trying to make-do.

All in all. Yum.

Tonight I've had a favourite British dish..

Bangers and Mash

So here I have 2 veggie sausages- dry fried with peppered swede "mash" and 2 spears of asparagus.
I read somewhere that asparagus helps with water retention and as I PUT ON WEIGHT last time I weighed after a PV day I thought I'd give it a go.
I also had reduced salt and sugar ketchup with my bangers- although I'm not a fan and it will NEVER beat good old fashioned Heinz. And I added a dollop of extra light philly to my mash so that it was creamy and yum. 

I realise that the meals I have shared cannot compare to or replace some of the fatty treats that we are used to. But it IS possible to Dukanize your favourite meals and enjoy food.
Cooking is so therapeutic and I find that I am constantly experimenting now that I have rules. In fact- now that I can eat LESS types or categories of food, I find that I am eating MORE of a variety because I'm always trying something new.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Sunday, 6 May 2012



So I was just getting my head around the idea that after a PV day my weight will stay the same.
Now a whole new world of information to digest has slamdunked into my life.


So you're telling me I can't eat crisps, sweets, bread, FRUIT!, pizza, pasta, alcohol, cheese, ice-cream, biscuits, ANYTHING and I STILL put on weight?! Nice.

Ok, ok- a tad dramatic. I put on 0.2lbs today. This is the first time- on my 14th day- that the scales have gone up! And I'm not pleased.

To be fair I lost 0.6lbs yest after a PP day. But still!!!
Fingers crossed for tomorrow...

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Dukan CRUISE Review- Week 1

The Cruise phase is a welcome change after the trials and tribulations of your own personal Attack- whether that had to last the whole 10 days or just 1 (still very difficult, I'm sure!)

I don't eat meat and here is where the adventure and creativity begins. Thankfully there are lots of meat substitutes which I have relied on this week. Despite a possible higher carb and fat content- this is a risk I have taken to avoid going nuts!!!

I suggest really considering your meals when on Cruise and I think I am just getting into the swing of things. For example I can eat a tin of sardines with no problem on a PP day so on a PV day, for lunch I should be a little more inventive- left over "lasagne" with lots of veg and veggie mince. If I had sardines on a PV for laziness and ease, I'd regret it on my PP day when it is sometimes a little more difficult to create tasty menu's.

Weight Loss

Ok- so the reason we are becoming Dukanised.
Obviously much more steady than the Attack phase- but still coming off.

Week 1 Loss- 2.2lbs
Total Loss:- 6.2lbs in 13 days.

The difference with this phase is that after a PV day the scale seems to stay the same for me, and then after a PP day it drops.

Fri PV:- 133.4
Sat PP:- 133.2
Sun PV:- 133
Mon PP:- 132.4
Tues PV:- 132
Weds PP:- 132
Thurs PV:- 131.2
Fri PP:- 131.2


WALK THE WALK- Make sure you do the 30 minutes walk each day. Gets rid of the vegetable bloat, keeps you active and is the catalyst for Dr. Dukan to aid weight loss.
DRINK!!!- I've found 0 calorie fizzy drinks, tea and plain old water help create structure around what you're eating and when. If you're peeing so much it gets annoying- you know you're drinking enough!
BE CREATIVE- there are so many recipes online there is no excuse to be relying on crabsticks.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Well well well...


Someone should have had a little more faith in Dr. Dukan...

Hurrah, yippee, woohoo!!!

0.8lb Loss this morning!!!

I must remember from now on that the scales will fluctuate after a PV day. I already knew this, but was nervous that that was going to be it. Forever at the dreaded 132.0.

If at first you don't succeed....

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


STS means Stayed the Same in the dieting world.
Thought I should make a point of noting it down as this is the first time- on my 10th day that the numbers on the scale did not go down.

The dreaded 132.0
I'm annoyed.
Maybe not annoyed- thats sort of an angry feeling isn't it. I'm more disappointed really.

Points of consideration:-
  • The numbers didn't go up- good thing!
  • It was a vegetable day yesterday- and they retain water
  • I ate THREE GODDAMN PARSNIPS YESTERDAY!!! (I knew they'd come back to haunt me).
  • I now can't update my little weight loss ticker :-(
  • I still have lost 5.4lbs all together
  • I'm going to put even more pressure on myself to lose more tomorrow
  • I need to up my game
  • I haven't had a bowel movement in 24 hours (sorry- but every little helps)
Its going to be a long day...

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Update- Day 9 - Cruise Day 5


Don't worry I've not disappeared. I do log on every day but try hard not to type type type my life away. But things are going good y'all!!!


Start weight:- 137.4lbs
Current weight:- 132lbs
Total Loss:- 5.4lbs
Weight left to lose:- 13lbs

The scales have been going down (touch wood) EVERY day. Even when its 0.2lbs I'm happy.
Today was my second PV day so I do expect it to go up or stay the same tomorrow, although it didn't last time. But I'm prepared if that happens (so I say).

Some of my cooking:-

Dukan Galette's- made in bulk. Each contains my daily oatbran and they keep fresh in the fridge for up to a week.
Dukan Muffins- both sweet and savoury. Again containing daily oatbran allowance. I've enjoyed this as a "cake" with a vanilla yoghurt, and this morning had an "egg mcmuffin" with reduced salt and sugar ketchup :-)

Dukan Lasagne- The courgette's are my "lasagne" sheets. I scrimped a bit hence the gaps on top. My "ricotta" was tofu- and it was bloomin lovely! All the flavours and vegetables. Mmmm...!!!

Saturday, 28 April 2012


VERY happy that there was a tiny weeny ickle wickle teeny little LOSS on my scales today.
Rather have a 0.2lb loss then stay the same, or worse still- gain!
I was really expecting to be exactly the same or have put on a little bit, but nooo- things are going in the right direction. Hurrah!!!

TOTAL LOSS:- 4.2lbs in 5 days!!!

So, time for a little incentive for myself. I lose 14 lbs and these beauties shall be my reward..

Only 10lbs to go! :-)
From now on my weigh in is going to be weekly. I mean- I probably will have a peek everyday- but these 0.something-of-a-lb(s) are a pain in the bum and I want to see loss of actual lb-age..

ooh- I ate a tiny squeeze of ketchup today and it made my life!!! :-D

Friday, 27 April 2012


WOW- I can't believe it- I've lost all of my weight overnight. I mean literally- ALL OF IT. I weigh NOTHING!!!

I think this causes for a Celebration- best get in touch with Linford Christie- this is clearly a Guinness World Record!

Or not.

May as well have weighed nothing/ lost nothing for all the weight I did lose.

Nah- still chirpy :-D

Loss- 0.4lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 4 lbs in 4 days!!!

Now- I'm gonna eat me some veg!

PV= Protein & Vegetables Day

Food Diary:-

Cup of tea
Fried egg & mushrooms
Kipper fillet, cucumber and cherry tomatoes
Yeo Valley 0% fat vanilla yoghurt (waayyy too much considering the carbyness of it all)
Can Pepsi Max
Kipper Ragu (garlic, onion, mushrooms, yellow pepper, tinned tomatoes, mixed herbs, KIPPER) with a dollop of creme fraiche stirred in at the end ;-)
Cup of tea

Mood:- Good
Exercise:- TWO HOURS of walking!!!

Small portions, healthy feeling and welcomed the change in flavour and textures.
Cruise is the way forward.

Expecting to stay the same weight wise tomorrow. Or go up a little. Apparently this is to be expected when transitioning from Attack to Cruise, and particularly on Protein & Vegetable days as the veg retains water.
Despite my disclaimer I know this will discourage me somewhat. Be prepared.

Dukan ATTACK- Review


What a rollercoaster this couple have days have been.

Although this diet does what it says on the tin- 4lb loss in 4 days
There is a lot to be said for the baggage that comes with it.

At some points the MASSIVE HEADACHES (Day 1 & 2), extreme nauseousness/sickness/BLERGHHH-ness (Days 1-3) and the uncomfortable feeling of constipation (Day 2) left me wanting to to fight the attack instead of succumb to its charm and wit. (Ok, not fight, run away like a sissy and sit in the corner and stuff cake until you hate yourself.) BUT, I worked with it, and here I am.

I think ATTACK is a very appropriate word for this phase. By lasting the 4 days I feel that I've shown my own body-lard that I really do mean business.


DRINK THE WATER  - helps with sickness, fills you up, gets rid of all the waste-age
EAT THE OATBRAN - helps with sickness, fills you up, gets rid of all the other waste-age
Use sweetener and 1 calorie fizzy drinks to perk you up - make you feel like you're having a treat.

Seems silly- now that I'm through the other side - to have let this phase affect me so much, but my emotions and god the sickness- ughhh! Made me all over the place. Think its getting used to NO SUGAR.

I'm ready to embrace the CRUISE phase of the diet now. 40 (ish) days of Pure Protein days and Protein & Veg days. There are loads of fab recipes online to help me get through this. I think being inventive with what you're eating is the way forward. Of course you're going to feel sick and miserable if you eat the same breakfast every day and it tastes of nothing and feels like the contents of a cement mixer (cement- that is).

I'm also not silly, and realise that this section too is NOT going to be easy. I'm off on my hols in 2 and a half weeks and I'm not going to not eat fruit and potatoes and drink boozeywoozey- but maybe I'll manage to do this moderation, or consider the importance of proteins and exercise more, or..well...we shall see. I'm not going to let Dukan take over my life and stop me doing these sorts of things (unbelievable how much of social-life involves gorging!!!) But I'm also not going to let FAT take over my life, and cannot wait to feel comfortable getting into a bikini!!! :-D

Thursday, 26 April 2012



LOSS- 0.6lbs

Possible factors as to why the loss is so low today:-
Quorn sausages for dinner (CARB)
Activia snackpot for pudding (CARB)
Didn't do my 20 minute walk
I'm nearing the end of my attack phase, and have lost all of the water I need to lose.


"Any weight loss, no matter how tiny, will be your very best incentive"- Dr. Dukan..



3.6lbs in 3 days!!!


Just had a lovely sweet omelette for breakfast served with Rhubarb and Vanilla Fat Free yoghurt. Was my mums idea.

Twas real easy. 

2x eggs mixed with a splash of skimmed milk. Add cinnamon and sweetener to taste.
Wipe a tiny bit of oil round the pan with kitchen roll so that the omelette won't stick, but you won't actually be digesting any oil and cook both sides for a few minutes until piping hot all the way through.

Fingers crossed for a successful day...



Food Diary-

Sweet omlette with yoghurt (see above)
Cup of tea
Can of diet coke
Activia Mandarin yoghurt
Cottage cheese & Quorn slices
Activia Vanilla yoghurt
Quorn slices
Glass semi-skimmed milk (cheat!!! should be skimmed)
Mackerel fillet
Activia Vanilla yoghurt

(no Dukan galette today- oops!)


Really good day. Thought it was great of my colleague to buy me a can of diet coke (HUGE TREAT) when she bought everyone else in the office chocolate muffins. It was nice not to feel deprived. I hate that feeling on diets. There's no point if you feel sorry all the time.
Mr. Dukan said that "euphoria" would kick in on Day 3. He lied. Day 4 is definitely the one for me!!!

= enjoying crabsticks. The smell doesn't make me wretch. This is a HUGE plus as they're great for snacking on- personally I find them tres stinky in the office- but the others don't seem to mind.
= 45 minute walk to Tesco and back during lunch was more brisk. Last time all the joggling around made me want to heave.
= chirpier mood. When I feel ill my thoughts go a little like this "oh-my-god-i-feel-so-sick-ugghhh-i-feel-sick-why-do-i-feel-so-sick-what-if-i-am-sick-i-feel-so-sick-im-going-to-be-sick-i-feel-sick-i-feel-sick-i-feel-sick" and this is NO exaggeration. It takes over. None of that nonsense today.

LOVED my mackerel tonight. Soooo tasty and chewy! And I was full up after the one fillet which means to more for me to enjoy at a later date (not too late or I'll get food poisoning and then I really will lose weight!)

Think the glass of milk was a bit baddd- but you only live once right! Ha!

*In other news- I got offered a permanent job today where I work. I've been there as a temp with an agency for 6 months and finally sealed the deal today.*

Soo...I'm losing weight, feeling chirpy, and employed!!! Hurrah for me! :-D

Bring on the veg tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012



Couldn't resist posting this morning...

LOSS:- 1.2lbs
Total Loss- 3lbs in 2 days!!!

Here's hoping for a good day... :-)


Ughhhh...what a terrible terrible day.
The day itself had is troughs and I think my mood/queasiness/exasperation wasn't helping.
This morning when I got to work I felt so soo sick. That stayed most of the day.
Then there was general cruddy work stuff and the way I reacted to this stuff was not usual. Frustration mounted into certain behaviour which I can only blame on the lack of carbs and sugar? Just my body adjusting obviously- but whether or not this affects your mental says yes- it does.

Anyway I just got in from work and stuffed my face. Semi Dukan attack- not sure really.

Food diary

Dukan Galette with  hard boiled egg and cottage cheese
Cup of tea
Activia Vanilla yoghurt
Cottage cheese and quorn slices- smoky ham & chicken flavours
Activia Mandarin yoghurt
Fried egg & 2 quorn sausages (this is my pig-out!!?)
Cup of tea
Activia strawberry snackpot (picked out most of the fruity bits)

I'm not feeling sick anymore though. Just feel normal. This worries me as it might mean that my dinner has counteracted things. I realise its still protein- but the sausages and the yoghurt were quite carb heavy- well compared to the other things I've been eating.

Only the scales can tell tomorrow...

I miss chirpy, happy Kimberley :-(

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Just a quickie as its very late and I was up very early again.
(This will probably be the longest yet, now I've said that).

Last night-

Ate tuna with vinegar. Was ok. In bed exhausted by 10pm (maybe because I was up at 6am- not used to it). Woke up to use the toilet (No. 1) twice in the night. TWICE!!! (Been peeing like a good'un!)

Weigh in this morning:-

Thats a LOSS of 1.8lbs!!!

Food diary:-

Cup of tea
Boiled egg & cottage cheese
Activia mandarin yoghurt
Crab sticks x4 (deja vu, much?!)
Tin of sardines
Dukan Galette
Activia vanilla yoghurt
Cup of tea
Quorn Smoky Ham slices x3
Quorn Chicken slices x2
Plate of king prawns with lemons (at a restaurant- embarrassing!!!)
Pint of diet coke x2  (At the restaurant for over 2 hours)
Cottage cheese (after I've written this, even though its 23:19)


45 minute walk to Tesco and back at lunch
45 minute walk to restaurant and back in evening
Headache this morn- took 2 paracetamol.
Got round to reading phase 2 of the diet and feeling pretty apprehensive.

Fingers crossed for another positive result in the morn- and a longer entry is a must.

Monday, 23 April 2012


My podgy-footed self on the scale at 6am. Day 1.

For those (myself) who just want a food diary, I'll start with that.

Cup of tea
Hard boiled egg and cottage cheese
Mandarin yoghurt (Activia- 0% fat)
Redbush tea
4x Crab sticks (Youngs- 79p at Tesco)
Tin of sardines
Vanilla yoghurt (Activia- 0% fat)
More crabsticks (total of 10 today)
Cottage cheese - straight out the tub!
Small glass of Pepsi Max (1 calorie; no fat)
Weird king prawn, yoghurt concoction (wouldn't recommend- see below for picture- YUK)
Dukan galette

Emotional/ Wellness-ness

Woke up positive. Got on scale- well ready for the mission.
Breakfast- interesting affair. Too much of the same texture. Not disappointed- dealing with it.
Trip to Tesco before work for yoghurts- smell of fresh, warm bread wafting throughout the store. Aware of the smell. Thinking about it as though I should be bothered, but not actually.
Early at work 9am- starving. Mandarin yoghurt. Sicky feeling.
Light-headed-ness. Not unbearable but verging on uncomfortable.
Start stuffing crabsticks- stink out the office. Paranoia. Rather be munching on biscuits.
BANGING HEADACHE- drink more water, drink more water.
Tin of sardines- tasty but HATE the way the look- all veins and scales and guts and shudder. Don't think- just eat.
Drive home- starving. Stuff more crabsticks. Stinking out the car- difficult to unwrap whilst driving. Groan!
Get in- shove some mouthfuls of cottage cheese in my face. Enjoyable. Mushy thickness akin to a fatty naughty treat. Not unhappy, not dizzy, not headachey. Just meh.
SMALL GLASS OF PEPSI MAX- joy, elation. Very happy moment. "This diets great." Lets get started on dinner shall we?
Take dinner out the oven- greeted with a mushy mess. Yoghurt separated from liquid. Lumpy and gross looking. Pick out the prawns- they're tasty- the texture of the yoghurt- not so nice. Gag-zilla.
Not hungry- but remember the oats. Conjure up Dukan's galette. Not hungry- must eat oats. Very filling and heavy. Content. Not happy, nor sad, just meh.
The scales better show good things tomorrow!!!

And the rest of it...

My God this has been a strange day foodwise! The thing is with me- I love food. Tasty food, and usually thats bad. What I've eaten today wasn't necessarily baddd or gross as such, its just that I'm stubborn and make things difficult for myself. Because I have to eat it, I don't want to eat it.
I want to want what I eat.
But at the moment I want to lose weight more, so yea. Shushh!!!

Some marriages of ingredients aren't ideal. The egg and cottage cheese was too much of the same thing.  Mush up some egg- its like cottage cheese and vice verca (ewww- imagine balling up some cottage cheese into an egg shape!)
The sardines really grossed me out. For those of you who eat tinned sardines, you'll know exactly what I mean. I had to push the black mushy innards to the edge of the tin where the top was still attached so created a shadow in the corner where I couldn't see so good. I worked quickly and efficiently and ate as much as I could. WAYYY too squeamish for this shizz!

The yoghurts are YUM! The vanilla one- god its to die for. I'm happy to eat those. Think I'll spread those out between the not so favourable dishes.

Dinner- now I have no idea what the hell happened there.
Looks like puke in a bowl doesn't it. As I said before, picked the prawns out and they were fine. Can't be bothered to give this "dish" more time than necessary.

The Dukan Galette, however- lets talk about that.

Interesting concept. Smells porridgey- obvs- its oats.
Looks like a pancake. Goes sort of hard and firm when cooked. Like you can pick it by one edge- its not floppy like a tortilla, more rigid like toast.
I found it quite eggy. I think I will put half of one in next time.
I ate it with cinammon, quark and sweetener. Because I was full and it was filling I didn't really enjoy it. Not as much as I may have done this morning when I was hungry.
Having said that I do feel hungry now. Not hungry. I can't explain it. Its as though I should eat but don't really want to. Not sure whether my stomach is trying to gurgle or trying do digest all this protein.
Just don't know.

Anyway, galette, yes..

Was thinking that it might make good "soldiers" to have with dippy egg.
It was quite large really.
You could cut it in half and have a smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwich. Oooh yes- that would be lovely. 

If I eat again tonight I have decided it will be a tin of tuna with pepper and maybe vinegar (?)

I've drank loads of water.
I walked for 20 mins (not in one go, but hmm...I wonder if that will make a difference actually..)

The scale BEST show positive results tomorrow. OR ELSE!!!

Oh yes- just quickly, back to emotions- keep spontaneously welling up- over adverts, Eastenders, just anything really. That could just be me to be honest...or the lack of fatty treats!!! Sighhh!!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Pre-diet nerves

My name is Kimberley, I am 23 years old and I weigh A LOT (actual weight to be decided by scales tomorrow after my morning pee).
I first gained a considerable amount of weight when I travelled alone to Australia and New Zealand at the age of 18. I put on 5 kg in 6 months. It didn't suit me. I am only 5 foot and looked like a brown space hopper upon returning to the UK.
At my heaviest I BELIEVE I was 62 kg.

I lost a lot of weight and continued to do so when I started University. I went through a break up and lost more weight.

And then yo-yo'ed for the rest of the 3 years, depending on holidays, exams, whether or not I was going to aerobics and so on and so forth. Not really too much of a problem- everyones overweight at uni.
As a graduation "present" my mother booked herself and I into "Fitfarms"- one week of vigorous exercise combined with regular, small meals. I was very very unhappy. I missed my uni friends, was unemployed and did NOT want to be there. I lost a few lbs that week but partied at my graduation shortly afterwards and remained unhappily unemployed for a few months, which involved laying in bed feeling sorry.

(Don't worry- this isn't all sob-story)

So...I have now been employed for over 6 months. I love my job as an administration assistant for a big Logistics company. My colleagues are fab, my work is varied and full on, my mind active- and my body. Well. Sedentary.

I wake up at around 7am, shower, eat breakfast, sort lunch. Leave at 8:10am. Drive to work. Start work at 8:30am, sitting at a desk where I remain until 5:30pm. In this time I may have to go upstairs twice, and do one lap of Tesco during my lunch hour. If I'm really getting into my quota of 2000 steps a day I might put the kettle on once or twice. I drive home and eat dinner at around 6pm. I then sit and watch tv. Simpsons, Hollyoaks, Channel 4 News, Corrie, Eastenders then a film or some docu. I go to bed at 10pm at the latest, and repeat.

So basically- I wake up and sit in a car, sit at work, sit at home, lay at home and sleep. Thats my life.

Somethings gotta change.

I've stumbled across the Dukan Diet and tomorrow is the day the challenge begins.

4 days of pure protein. ONLY.
I don't eat meat but I eat fish. I've done the reading and the research- am already feeling queasy at the thought of all that protein and have decided that the way I can monitor all of this is to talk to myself in the form of an online blog. Hmmm..

There was a lot of "about me"- essential contextual information I feel and as my hard-boiled eggs have probably exploded (oops- literally just remembered putting those on) I feel its time I move on.
Stop talking start doing.

This dialogue from Monty Pythons 'Life of Brian' says it all:-

so we've got to get up off our arses and stop just talking about it!
Hear! Hear!
I agree. It's action that counts, not words, and we need action now.
Hear! Hear!
You're right. We could sit around here all day talking, passing resolutions, making clever speeches..
So, let's just stop gabbing on about it. It's completely pointless and it's getting us nowhere!

Wow. I'm really going to post this aren't I.